I want a time machine but not just any time machine. This one would allow me to be unseen and unheard as it whisked me exactly where I wanted to go. I would stand with the crowd while Jesus delivered his Sermon on the Mount. I would watch John Hancock boldly sign the Declaration of Independence. I would join the cheering as Lindbergh emerged from his little plane at Le Bourget field. I would peer over John Steinbeck's shoulder as he wrote "The Grapes of Wrath." I would stand in Sun Studios while a singer with the unlikely name of Elvis Presley cut his first record. But perhaps the most significant destination would be a little apartment in Massachusetts in the 1940s. There I would gaze at my parents as they were in their 20s. And I would loook at two little kids playing and think, "Why, that's my brother and me!" This is getting spooky so I will stop here.
Hooray, hooray, it's the first of May. You know the rest.
With less than 24 hours to our yard sale, the tension is unbearable.
Embarrassing moment: I was walking down the street when a woman asked, "Am I allowed to park here?" Puzzled, I replied, "I have no idea." She in turn said with a sneer, "I wasn't talking to you." I turned around and there was a meter maid.
Riding Boston's swan boats with my grandson on a sunny spring afternoon -- it doesn't get a whole lot better than that.
All right, it's puzzlement time and here's one from Discovery Education, whatever that is. Two babies born on the same day in the same year with the same mother and father are not twins. How can that be? (Answer Monday.)
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