The tension mounts as Saturday's yard sale nears. Will it rain? Will the Fear of Flu keep away potential customers? Will my wife sneak out my treasures and sell them before I notice? Will anybody buy any of the junk we're selling? Oh, the uncertainty.
Do the world a little good and visit The Hunger Site at www.thehungersite.com. Just one click gives food to the needy. No purchase necessary. You can also help feed animals, fight breast cancer, contribute to literacy, and save rainforests. No, really.
I finally saw "Frost/Nixon" and thought Frank Langella more closely resembled Ed Sullivan than Richard Nixon.
When a teacher complained, parents used to give their kids a talking-to. Now they yell at the teachers.
If you transpose the last two letters of FBI, you get FIB. (This was noted in my geezer class on the Rosenbergs' trial, during which some fibs may have been told about the defendants, who were hardly above reproach but didn't deserve death.)
More often, we regret the things we didn't do, not the ones we did. This is hardly an original thought but an accurate one nonetheless.
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