Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In the warm California sun

Sitting in the ballpark stands on a sunny California afternoon with a cup of beer in one hand and a hot dog in the other, then seeing the Red Sox finally win a game that you attend -- it doesn't get a whole lot better than that.

I like cats. They're evil.
Answer to Thursday's brain teaser: According to the website word-english, the second most commonly used word in the English language is "of." For the full list, visit www.world-english.org/english500.htm. But hurry back because we'll have another puzzlement soon.
I wonder what is the worst part of flying coach. Maybe it's when the passenger in front of you puts his seat in full recline, forcing your knees up to your chin. Or maybe it's when the guy in the seat next to you slops his elbow into your space. No, wait, I know: It's the smug looks on the first-class passengers' faces as you make your way past them en route to your little slice of hell.
Because I don't always talk a lot, some people think I'm deep. Believe me, there is less to me than meets they eye.

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