Having just come back from Los Angeles and environs, I rented David Lynch's mystical and maniacal movie "Mullholland Drive." The opening scene, which shows people jitterbugging, took my mind back six decades to a wedding reception on Boston's North Shore. During one fast dance, my cousin Joanne and I, both about 7 years old, joined in and started jitterbugging. After a while, the other dancers dropped out and a crowd gathered around to watch my cousin and I shake, rattle and roll. When the dance ended, we were met with a rousing round of applause. And that is the only time in history that my dancing has elicited something besides a chuckle or snicker.
I just don't get Twitter. (But then, most people probably wouldn't get this blog, either.)
This is a roundabout way to get to today's puzzlement. While waiting in line at Disneyland for the Indiana Jones shake-up-your-stomach ride, I talked with a young man from Yellowknife in Canada's Northwest Territories. He told me that winters there can bring temperatures of minus-40 Celsius. Today's question: What is that temperature in Fahrenheit? (Although we publish on Sundays, we will hold the answer till Monday.)
I consider the lyrics of "Big Rock Candy Mountain" to be great literature. To wit: "In the Big Rock Candy Mountains all the cops have wooden legs/And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth/And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs."
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