Surely I am misremembering and all these things couldn't have happened to me when I was 4 years old. But here's what I recall:
* While riding a bus, I slipped from my mother's sight and somehow lifted the back door's emergency bar, causing me to nearly fall out and the bus to screech to a halt.
* When crossing a street, I froze and a car tapped my knee. I received only a small bruise, but to this day my heart rate increases when I cross the street.
* I began to stutter. There were fewer child experts in those days, so my parents decided that my thoughts were coming out too fast for me to properly process them into words. Sounds like a baloney theory now, but after a few weeks my stuttering stopped, so maybe they had something there.
What a traumatic year ... assuming these three things really did happen within 12 months.
Answer to Friday's puzzlement: Fred is 6 and Joe is 22.
I'm going to Disney World! In October! With my grandson! Wheeee!
I don't know if I'm happiest when I am traveling, but I am usually pretty happy.
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