Sometimes I find myself wondering about the damnedest things. This morning, for instance, I started thinking about how singing started. Did some caveman one day start melodiously saying, "Zorg, zorg, zorg, zorg, ZORG" and enjoy the sound of it? Or did some prehistoric person create an instrument and decide to imitate the sound with his voice? I, of course, will never know. But I do know that life would be so much drabber and drearier without the sound of music.
And speaking of music, I think the most non-sequitur lyrics in modern music are contained in Gordon Lightfoot's "Carefree Highway": "Pickin' up the pieces of my sweet shattered dream/
I wonder how the old folks are tonight."
Back in the day when many people kept St. Christopher medals or statuettes in their cars, my brother mounted a plastic toad on his dashboard. When people asked about it, he would explain, "Why, that's St. Toad of the Road."
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